When: about 8:50 p.m. on Saturday, December 11
Location: La Brea and Wilshire
Last seen: On the 217 bus before I transferred buses. Either I accidentally put it on a seat next to my purse or it was in my lap and dropped when I departed the bus. I couldn't hear any potential clattering thanks to my noise-isolating earphones. They're totally a blessing and a curse.
Losses: $89.99 retail, a big chunk of my December earnings to get another phone
How I can prevent this loss in the future: Put my phone away in a safe place in my purse FAST after I use it. I have a constant problem with not completely finishing an action before I move onto another. Also, do a quick visual sweep after I get up from my seat. Consider only have one earphone in more often when out in public and in transit.